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University of Palmas of Gran Canaria (ULPGC)
(Online Universities & Colleges - Distance Learning)

In this page you will find the university address, contact information and the list of degrees. For more information on the institution, please follow the official web site link that points to the english version when available, reduced information is usually presented (sometimes less than this page) while spanish version holds the complete contents.

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University of Palmas of Gran Canaria (ULPGC):

Official web site: www.english.ulpgc.es
University Information:
University of Palmas of Gran Canaria (ULPGC)
E-mail: [email protected]
Juan of Quesada Street, nº 30 - Palmas of Gran Canaria - 35001 - Spain
Telephone: (+34) 928 451 000/023
Fax: (+34) 928 451 022

This university offers the following Masters, Doctorates, Courses, Careers undergraduate and Graduate degrees:


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