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Pablo OF Olavide University (UPO)
(Universities in Andalusia)

In this page you will find the university address, contact information and the list of degrees. For more information on the institution, please follow the official web site link that points to the english version when available, reduced information is usually presented (sometimes less than this page) while spanish version holds the complete contents.

Universities > Universities in Spain

Online Universities in Spain

Pablo of Olavide University (UPO):

Official web site: http://www.upo.es/portal/impe/web/portada?lang=en
University Information:
Pablo of Olavide University (UPO)
Ctra. de Utrera, km. 1
41013 Seville
Rectorate: Square America
General Register: Building 9 - Francisco of Miranda
Administration : Building 3 - Jose Moñino, Conde of Floridablanca.
Delegation of Students: Building 17 - Jose Celestino Mutis, first floor
C.A.S.A: Building 17 - Jose Celestino Mutis, first floor
Telephone. General Information: 954 34 92 00 FAX: 954 34 92 04
Telephone. Students Help Center: 954 34 93 00 FAX: 954 34 92 04
E-mail: [email protected]

This university offers the following Masters, Doctorates, Courses, Careers undergraduate and Graduate degrees:





Doctoral Degree

Due to its great potential in research and technological development the Universidad Pablo de Olavide offers a wide range of doctoral studies that count with both national and international recognition. 

During the year 2009-2010 the University has offered 18 doctoral programmes, nine of which have been awarded with the Quality Label recognition from the Ministry of Education and Science.

The Postgraduate Studies Centre (CEDEP) is responsible for the coordination of doctoral studies. The Postgraduate Studies Centre is responsible for the the inscription, enrolment and grant proceedings.




Official Master’s Degree

The University Master’s Degree is an official degree and as such is thoroughly regulated, accessible at public prices and opens the path to doctoral studies.

The Official Master’s Degree is valid in every country belonging to the European Higher Education Area . These studies comprise between 60 and 120 ECTS credits.

The broad range of Official Master’s Degrees offered by the Universidad Pablo de Olavide will allow students to specialize within a professional field or to start a career as researchers.

The Postgraduate Studies Centre (CEDEP) is responsible for the the inscription, enrolment and grant proceedings.



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